Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Christian Testimony of Abraham Lincoln from the "Freeport Weekly Journal" on November 24, 1864

 Freeport Weekly Journal
Freeport, Illinois. Wednesday, December 7, 1864
A Discourse Preached on the day of National Thanksgiving, November 24th, 1864, in the First Presbyterian Church of Freeport, Ills., by ISAAC E. CAREY
….. And let me say in this connection that we have a more touching occasion for thanksgiving in the fact, the significant fact, of the President’s personal conversion to Christ, since he was called to his present high position.  Thus the great and holy cause is most appropriately represented by a follower of Jesus.  “A gentleman, having recently visited Washington on business with the President, was, on leaving home, requested by a friend to ask Mr. Lincoln whether he loved Jesus.  The business being completed, the question was kindly asked.  The President buried his face in his handkerchief, turned away and wept.  He then turned and said, ‘..(Unreadable).. left home to take this Chair of State, I requested ..(unreadable).. pray for me, I was not then a Christian.  When my son died, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian.  But when I went to Gettysburg, and looked upon the graves of our dead heroes who had fallen in defence of their country, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ; I do love Jesus.’”

Or read it for yourself; I was able to scan in on a great scanner on 11/5/2015, so it is actually readable!!

Freeport Weekly Journal  Freeport, Illinois. December 7, 1864
Public domain image.

A special thanks to Ms. Rose Dillard, a librarian at the Hewes Library at Monmouth College, who worked to get a printout from extremely old microfilm containing this 1864 newspaper in the summer of 2009 for me.  Thank you Ms. Dillard!!   Hunter

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Was Abraham Lincoln a Christian?  Here we allow him to speak for himself.